sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2019

English update!

Hey everyone!
These past months have gone by so quickly. Hard to grasp the time hey.

Its been quite the ride for sure. SBS (School of Biblical Studies) has been more than I could've hoped for when it comes to what I've already learned from the books that we've studied so far. 
God has challenged me in more ways than one and its brought up a lot of emotions as well as healthy thoughts I think.

One theme, or topic he's been bringing to the surface for me is "being real and genuine". This not implying that I've been a facade haha, but I'll explain.

God has been speaking to me about being real in my wrestle with him. Whether its my emotions and the freedom to express, or being genuine in thankfulness.
Growing up in a very Christian environment has been one of the greatest gifts, yet has brought its own challenges in trying to seperate what I've been told and what I actually believe in myself. (What God has revealed to me personally, instead of what someone else has told me.)
This time in SBS gives me the opportunity to really be able to pin point things I've been told and to then bring those things to God in hopes of Him confirming them for me or for him to reveal something new to me. This I think will lead me into really finding the more intimate and personal aspect on my end of the relationship.

This same Christian environment has always told me specific things to be thankful for, like the food I eat, or the clothes I have or family around whenever I'm told to be thankful and to thank God about things I often find myself feeling pressured to thank for these things and if I don't, then I haven't expressed enough gratitude.
What I've now learned and challenged myself with is taking more time to stop and actually thank God for the things I feel genuinely thankful for. And sometimes I might be feeling extreme gratitude for the food I have or the clothes on my body, but perhaps one day I feel genuine thankfulness for beauty in creation or a good book, or great conversation or paperwork being dealt with successfully and it doesn't mean I have to add the food and clothes to that moment of gratitude. I really don't know where this distorted idea of coming to God in thankfulness came from, but I'm happy its coming up now.

Also this just reminds me of a similar issue with prayer. Sometimes I get frustrated with the term itself, because as a child we see how "the perfect prayer" is "performed". What are powerful words to use- what is the spiritual vocabulary, when to use which tone of voice, what names of God to use etc. And it can become challenging to make the switch once you make the decision to follow  Jesus for yourself. So these days I might just say "talking to Jesus" instead of "prayer" just to keep it in a genuine place and centered in an actual intimate friendship and relationship. Not saying the term always gets to me, because sometimes its just easier for some reason to still keep it personal even if the term is still there haha. Sorry if this seems confusing for you.

Another thing related to being real and genuine.
That same Christian environment has created expectations for myself to be the perfect Christian. This a result of actually being called by that title and people coming to me for prayer and advice and making it harder for myself to actually wrestle with God in the open. But my friend said something really wise the other day. She said that I shouldn't worry too much about my wrestle becoming someone else's wrestle, because God is with that person as well and who seeks- will find.
I really want to believe that.
No one's faith depends on mine- even when discipling people. It can actually be more loving towards others to have the freedom to be honest with my doubts or the things of God that I don't really understand, since then they can actually see an example of that real and genuine relationship and how I can be fully myself in it- in all moods and thoughts. Relief hey!

Also I'm usually seen as this happy and confident person, always smiling and having fun expressing herself in what she wears- which has also created another expectation of always needing to live up to that. I've realised that if I seem serious or not doing so well- a lot of people notice that. There's nothing wrong with that at all, or with the fact that many might come up to me and ask what's up. But because I actually don't enjoy attention like that from just anyone or discussing my personal feelings in public if it were to lead to a bunch of tears.
What God has challenged me in though, is to not say "I'm good" when I'm actually not, or to put on a smile even if my inside is about to burst in pain. But that I have the freedom to be real and genuine in my emotions, with my facial expressions and in my response to anyone asking me how I'm doing. For me I just need to learn to be honest with myself and other, but to also know how to say politely if I don't actually want to talk about what's going on- not afraid of hurting someone else's heart by denying their care.

I'd say my boyfriend has helped me a lot in learning more about the freedom of being real. Creating a safe space for that and leading in example. I'm most definitely still learning and often falling back into old patterns, but I'm so happy it has come up now in more depth and I'm really challenged to apply what God is showing me- to all areas of me and my relationship with Him.

Jesus was real. He was genuine. He still is all of that. He relates and has become also way more relatable for myself when studying the gospels or seeing the kingdom of God lived out in other books as well. Jesus freely expressed his emotions. The positive ones and the unhappy ones. But he always acted from a motive of love and building others up.

I hope this enourages someone to maybe ask yourself if you've really found freedom in Jesus to be your true self. Maybe there's an area in your life or in your past that you haven't realised is/was lacking the real and raw?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, or perhaps testimonies too related to this topic! Always free to message me.

This is one of MANY things that has come up during this journey so far.
My weekly ministry is working in a local township with youth and I'm really thankful for that experience alongside the studying. I'll probably be teaching there sometimes too, which is a cool challenge and something I'd like to grow in for sure.

Also my work duty is serving the media department of the YWAM base, but right now I'm very dependent on others in the team when it comes to camera equippment, since two pins are down in the SD- card reader on my camera and therefore it is out of use until it gets fixed. Unfortunately its not a priority when it comes to expences right now and no matter how much I love photography and using it to serve and express our (His & mine) creativity, for now I need to humble myself and rely on others to still make that happen. Even using my own camera is a type of comfort zone.

I'm still trusting for about 500€ (550$) by the 13th of December. I have almost all of my fees for the 1st quarter paid off and all I really need now is money for my flight back to South Africa from a Visa run in Madagascar. Then I can go on with the next 3 months! So almost there and just a few weeks to funraise this current need. If you feel like helping out, whether in honor of Christmas or just in feeling lead to do it, I'm super thankful!

Already many have come and encouraged me by their willingness to pitch in and its been a challenging yet humbling time accepting that as well as actually asking people for support.
If you'd like to support me once, now and then, or on a monthly basis- all contributions are welcome!

Details related to that are stated down below:

Katarina Lahtela

FI29 5290 0220 4222 63

(name of bank: Keski Suomen Osuuspankki)


Katarina Lahtela:


Also if you'd like to support others in my school, or me- but anonymously, you can send your support in via the YWAM Muizenberg account:

Account name: Youth With A Mission
Bank name: Standard Bank of South Africa
Branch: Blue Route
Branch Code: 025 609
Account number: 072 032 901
Bank address:
Standard Bank of South Africa
Cnr Vans & Tokai Roads
Tokai, Cape Town
Western Cape, ZA

(just remember to state September SBS or Katarina Lahtela SBS whether its the school you're helping out, or me individually)

Thankyou for showing your interest so far in what I'm doing and what God is doing in my life and in the YWAM base here in Muizenberg.
If you have any questions or would like to hear prayer requests/thankyous, then just message me on facebook/instagram or to my email:

Thankyouuuu! Enjoy this new upcoming week.
Thankful to God for life right now.

What are you thankful for in this very moment?

- Katarina

lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2019

Jo Marraskuu!

Hei vaan kaikille!

Viime päivityksestä on taas vierähtänyt tovi ja nyt olisi aika päivittää teillekin mitä kaikkea nyt elämässä onkaan tapahtunut ja mitä olen oppinut täällä Etelä- Afrikassa ollessani.

SBS on ollut ihmeellistä, mutta myös erittäin haastavaa aikaa. Olen ollut paljon epämukavuusalueellani, mutta saanut ihastella kaikkea oppimaani myös.
Yllätyn aina kun katson aikaa taaksepäin ja näen kuinka monta raamatunkirjaa olemme käyneet läpi! Nytkin takanapäin ovat jo seuraavat kirjat:
Apostolien teot, Efesolaiskirje, 1. kirje Tessalonikalaiskirje, 2. Tessalonikalaiskirje, Kolossalaiskirje, Roomalaiskirje, Luukkaan evankeliumi

Haluan vähän jakaa teidän kanssanne sitä mitä Jumala on minulle puhunut.
AITO on ollut viime aikojen teema.
Jumala on sanansa kautta haastanut minua olemaan aidosti oma itseni, oli se sitten tunteideni kanssa, hengellisessä mielessä tai kuulumisieni jakamisessa.

Minun on ollut vaikea olla aito tunteideni kanssa. Olen aina yhtä hymyä ja suurimmaksi osaksi olenkin aika iloisella tuulella, mutta siitä on samalla tullut odotus, eli koen painetta ylläpitää hyväntuulisuutta, jopa silloin kun on murhetta kerrakseen. Minä en pidä liiasta huomiosta, etenkin jos joku jota en tunne kovin hyvin tai koe läheiseksi ihmiseksi tulee ja kysyy mikä minulla on, joten usein yritän peittää jos on paha olla. Minusta tuntuu että aika moni meistä tekee juuri niin. Mutta meidät on kutsuttu vapauteen olla juuri oma itsemme. Jeesuksellakin oli aidot tunteet, eikä hän niitä peittänyt. Saan olla ja myös näyttää surulliselta, sekä minulla on vapaus sanoa myös jos en halua puhua asiasta jonkun kanssa, MUTTA se, mitä nyt yritän oppia on että osaan sanoa rakastavasti jollekulle, että "ei kuulu hyvää, mutta nyt en halua puhua siitä sen enempää." Ja taasen sanoa läheisilleni, kun ei oikeasti kuulu hyvää ja antaa heidän tukensa olla minua vahvistamassa. Olla aito ja vapaa näyttää omat tunteensa ja kertoa mitä oikeasti kuuluu, on askel lähemmäs sitä keneksi Jumala on minut luonut. Nyt en kuitenkaan puhu siitä, kuinka tunteiden valtaamana saa käyttäytyä- sen verran sanon, että vihastuminen ei ole synti, mutta jos siitä syntyy teko, joka satuttaa toista, niin sitten ollaan synnin puolella, koska meidät on kutsuttu rakastamaan lähimmäisiämme.

Toinen juttu aitouteen liittyen;
ollessani pitkään kristillisissä jutuissa mukana ja lapsuudesta asti olen saanut kuulla kehuja siitä miten hyvin minulla menee Jumalan kanssa ja kuinka aina toimin oikein ja kuinka olen aina muita varten- valmiina auttamaan ja ohjaamaan, sekä mentoroimaan hengellisessä mielessä- tähän päivään asti. Minä nautin siitä, että saan auttaa ja saan olla jakamassa asioita, mitä Jumala on minulle itsestään näyttänyt, tai mitä olen saanut Raamatusta lukea, MUTTA siitä on myös ajan kuluessa tullut taas omanlaisensa odotus. En olekaan enää voinut aidosti painia Jumalan kanssa eri ihmisten kanssa, tai erilaisissa hengellisissä ympäristöissä, koska pelkään, että se johdattaa toisetkin painimaan. Erityisesti nuorten kanssa, kun tekee töitä- niin tästä voi helposti tulla painetta. Nyt Jumala on kuitenkin minulle näyttänyt, että on ihan ok, että toiset painii myös, koska kenenkään suhde Jumalaan ei voi olla riippuvainen minusta. Usein sanomme, että "Jumalalla on kaikki käsissään" tai "Jumala pitää huolen" tai "Jumala kyllä pitää talouden kunnossa" tai "Jumala kyllä parantaa" tai "Jumala tuntee kyllä sinut" jne. Mutta kuinka usein me oikeasti uskomme itse näihin asioihin? Minä ainakin olen pudonnut tuohon kristillisten lausahdusten pyörään. Enkä sano että se on väärin, mutta minulle Jumala on puhunut nyt tuosta aitoudesta kuitenkin. Että mielummin sanon ihmisille sellaisia asioita, joita olen oikeasti saanut oppia ja kokea Jumalasta, kuin sellaisia asioita joiden kanssa itse kamppailen.

Sama koskee katuevankeliointia. Usein meille kerrotaan mitä tulisi sanoa tai tehdä kun kaduille mennään kertomaan Jeesuksesta, mutta jos emme oikeasti edes tunne Jeesusta, niin miksi menisimme kertomaan? Mielummin kerron jollekulle, jos olen oikeasti saanut kokea kuka Jeesus on ystävänä kuin että menen kertomaan, että Jeesus on pelastaja, jos itse olen kokenut hylkäämisiä ja ne ovat kaivertaneet arpia omaan kuvaani Jumalasta? (tämä on menneisyyden esimerkki, josta nyt ollaan menty Jumalan kanssa eteenpäin) Nyt en siis sano, etteikö Jeesus ole pelastaja- sillä nyt todella olen saanut kokea sen omassa elämässäni! 16 vuotias minä olisi eri mieltä. Ymmärrätte kuitenkin varmaan pointtini.

Kiteyttääkseni tämän kaiken: Meidät on kutsuttu vapauteen! Olemme vapaita näyttämään omat tunteemme, vapaita kertomaan mitä oikeasti kuuluu, vapaita painimaan Jumalan kanssa ja kertomaan rehellisesti muillekin kun jokin asia tuntuu vaikealta ymmärtää tai sisäistää. Kerrotaan Jeesuksesta muillekin- sen verran mitä olemme Hänestä häneltä saaneetkaan oppia. Jos minulle joku kertoo jostain toisesta henkilöstä random faktoja, en minä voi mennä kertomaan tästä ihmisestä muille sellaiseen sävyyn, että "me ollaan parhaita kavereita". Ensin tutustutaan ja kerrotaan sitten mitä oikeasti tiedetään ja tunnetaan. Ja se tässä onkin ihanaa, kyse on suhteesta ja saadaan rauhassa tutustua ja jakaa elämää. Minulle sanottiin muutama viikko taaksepäin näin:

"Jeesus istuu vierelläsi kun luet raamattua ja Hän opettaa sinua, näyttää sinulle missä hän liikkui ja kenen kanssa ja miksi hän sanoi mitä sanoi ja mihin sävyyn ja miksi hän teki mitä teki- te teette tätä yhdessä. Ja tämä aika tulee näyttämään juuri siltä. Ja SBS:n jälkeen sama homma jatkuu tietysti."

Miten kaunis kuva!

Jumala on puhut paljon myös kiitollisuudesta aitouden silmin. Kuinka on tärkeää olla aidosti kiitollinen, eikä vaan toistaa niitä asioita mitä joku muu on minulle sanonut (mistä pitää kiittää).
Jos on vaikea tiedostaa mistä on aidosti kiitollinen, niin siinä onkin hyvä paikka kysyä itseltä, että pitäisikö pysähtyä ja viettää enemmän aikaa kiitollisuudessa. Paavali on hyvä esimerkki siitä, että aina- mikä tahansa elämäntilanne onkaan kyseessä- AINA on jotain mistä kiittää.

Toivottavasti tämä myös puhuttelee jotakuta teistä ja voisin jakaa niin paljon enemmänkin, mutta jätetään se seuraavaan kertaan.

Minulla alkoi hommat myös paikallisessa slummissa, jonka nimi on Khayelitsha. Etelä- Afrikan toiseksi suurin slummi. (slummi on vähän outo sana, mutta englanniksi se on "township")
Teen siellä nuorisotyötä ja on ollut niin hienoa olla siinä mukana. Paikallinen kulttuuri ja nuorten elämä näyttää niin erilaiselta, verrattuna siihen, mitä suomessa on saanut nähdä. Maailmankuva on erilainen, ympärillä olevat paineet ovat erilaisia, tarpeet ovat erilaisia...Silmät aukeaa joka kerta kun menemme Khayelitshaan ja näemme minkälaisissa olosuhteissa siellä ihmiset asuvat ja mitkä ongelmat siellä painavat. Mutta sielläkin on Jumala läsnä ja nuoria tulee iltoihin mukaan! Muutama on käynyt siellä jo sitoutuneesti viimeisen vuoden ajan. Heillä on niin paljon unelmia ja monia lahjoja. Upeita persoonia ja uniikkeja Jumalan kuvia jokainen. Minua pyydettiin puhumaan nuorille ja nyt mietinkin ja rukoilen, mistä Jumala haluaa minun puhuvan. En voi varsinaisesti evankelioida, mutta raamatullisista aiheista on vapaus puhua! (esim. identiteetti, yhteisöllisyys, kunnioitus, lähimmäisen rakastaminen..)
Voisin sanoa enemmänkin, mutta paljon tulen siellä vielä tekemään erilaisia juttuja, niin pysytte tekin mukana kunhan vaan päivittelen.

Siinä päällimmäiset kuulumiset.
Seuraavaksi muutamia rukous- ja kiitosaiheita:

- Tarvitsen uuden patjan (nykyinen patja aiheuttaa kovia selkäkipuja)
- Minulta puuttuu n. 800€ että voin jatkaa työtäni täälläpäin maailmaa. (tarvitsen sen 13.12 mennessä)
- Haluan todella pysyä tässä "olla aito" ajatuksessa ja elää sitä todeksi omassa elämässäni, jotta se voisi olla myös siunaukseksi muille- etenkin nuoremmalle sukupolvelle, jonka kanssa haluan tehdä töitä, mutta voidakseni todella olla vapaa ja oppia siitä lisää
- Isän terveys
- Parempi kommunikaatio ystävien kanssa Etelä- Afrikan ulkopuolella (joskus on vaikea tasapainottaa ihmissuhteita, kun yrittää olla läsnä monessa paikassa ja parisuhdekin prioriteettinä)
- Kamerani tarvitsee huoltoa- ei ole käyttökunnossa (tiedätte kuinka paljon rakastan valokuvausta)
- Kaukosuhteessa on aina omat haasteensa. Ikävä Madagaskariin painaa paljon.

- Jumala puhuu minulle!
- Minä olen saanut jo 1200€! Tavoite on 2000€ ja parin viikon sisään eri henkilöt ovat tulleet ja osoittaneet halunsa tukea minua taloudellisesti ja on ollut niin ihmeellistä nähdä kuinka moni näkee sen mitä nyt teen, tukemisen arvoisena.
- Uudet ystävyyssuhteet ovat iso ilon aihe
- Minulla on aina ruokaa, kun sitä tarvitsen
- Parisuhde on niin iso ilon ja kiitoksen aihe. Rakastan poikaystävääni- myös hänen perhettään.
- Perheen tuki on iso kiitoksen aihe
- Olen myös kiitollinen teistä kaikista, jotka olette kiinnostuneita siitä, mitä täällä teen (aina saa laittaa viestiä, mielellään kerron lisää)
- Etelä- Afrikka on niin kaunis maa (vaikkakin myös kovin rikki)

Minut kutsuttiin syömään intialaisten tekemää ruokaa viime viikonloppuna

Me luemme aina kaikki raamatunkirjat ääneen

Kauniissa maassa hymy on herkässä

Vuoret muistuttavat minua aina Jumalan suuruudesta

Ystäviä: Kelsey vasemmalla ja Roos oikealla
Ollaan jo 9kk kuljettu tätä matkaa yhdessä. Kaukosuhde on mahdollista, vaikkakin ei toivottua tietysti!

Ikävä Noumia. Kuukauden päästä menen Madagaskariin viisumihypylle.

Siunausta kaikille kaikkeen mitä teette! Ollaan aitoja ja vapaita, Jumalan rakastamia. 

- Katarina

sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2019

Hei vaan!

Hei vaan kaikille!

Täällä sitä ollaan nyt viikko oltu Etelä- Afrikassa ja alan pikkuhiljaa taas asettumaan.
Lähtö Madagaskarista oli vaikea, kun piti hyvästellä itselle rakkaita ihmisiä ja upea muistorikas ja mielenkiintoinen aika niin uniikissa maassa. En osannut tämän vuoden alussa odottaa päätyväni Madagaskariin. On Jumala vaan täynnä yllätyksiä ja uskollisuutta.

(Mulla riittää kuvia ja videoita mun ajasta Madassa, jos jotakuta kiinnostaa nähdä lisää! Mielellään näytän, kun on sen verran mielenkiintoinen etappi kuitenkin ollut.)

Mutta hei, tosiaan nyt sitä ollaan saavuttu taas Cape Townin tuntumaan, Muizenbergiin. Tämä askel tulla takaisin niinkin pitkäksi ajaksi kuin 9kk on ollut yksi suuri pala purtavana itselleni. Suomeen kun saavuin huhtikuun puolessa välissä tiesin, että minulla tulisi olemaan hieman erilainen aika kotona, kuin ennen. Minulla oli 4 kuukautta aikaa tehdä töitä, kerätä varoja, sekä löytää aikaa perheelle, parisuhteelle ja ystäville. Rehellisesti sanottuna, ei ollut helppoa. Oli vaikea löytää tasapaino, sekä välillä oli niin toivoton olo, että olisi halunnut heittää kapulan rattaisiin ja valita helpompi tie.

  •  Olenko aivan sekaisin lähtiessäni tietoisesti toiselle puolelle maailmaa ilman tarvittuja varoja? 
  • Pitäisikö minun sittenkin jäädä kotiin nyt, kun perheessä on uusi terveyteen liittyvä haaste?
  • Mitä jos kukaan ei näe aikaani Etelä- Afrikassa merkittävänä, tai luota siihen mitä Jumala voisi siellä tehdä minun kauttani?
  • Muistaako kukaan, että tulen myös toimimaan paikallisten lähetystyömuotojen parissa, Raamattukoulun ohella?
  • Olenko osannut kertoa tästä kaikesta tarpeeksi selkeästi?
  • Olisiko minun pitänyt tehdä vähemmän töitä, jotta olisi ollut enemmän aikaa jakaa?
Kamppailin vaikka ja kuinka ja haluan pystyä siitä teille kertomaan avoimesti. Tiedän monien teistä rukoilleen puolestani, sekä useita rohkaisuja sain myös tämän kaiken keskellä, jotka sitten ohjasivat ajatukseni aina oikeaan suuntaan- Taivaan Isän luokse.

Onko se sitten suomalainen sisu taikka mikä, en tiedä, mutta eteenpäin menin!
Pian olikin jo lähtöpäivä ja tunnemaailma sateenkaarta värikkäämpi.
Iskä ja Nelli (mun sisko) rukoili mun puolesta ennen lähtöä ja Iskä jakoi ajatuksen mikä hänellä oli sydämellään, siitä kuinka hän jo sai nähdä varhaisessa vaiheessa mun elämää, että Jumala on mulle antanut tietynlaista rohkeutta ottaa isoja, jopa pelottavia askeleita. Hän antoi esimerkin siitä, kuinka jo pienenä tyttönä uskalsin uimarannalla hypätä 5m korkeudesta järveen, vaikka kukaan muu ei sitä tehnyt. Tää kosketti mua aika paljon ja oli siistiä nähdä vähän itseäni toisen silmin ja sitä kautta siis myös Jumalan silmin.

Sitten hypättiin.
Suoraan lentokoneeseen, Madagaskarin kautta nyt Etelä- Afrikkaan.

Istun nyt omassa huoneessani sängyllä, ihmetellen ja kiittäen Jumalaa siitä, että saan Hänen kanssaan olla; ottaa isojakin askeleita ja asettaa päivittäisen toivoni Häneen ja siihen, että Hänellä on kaikki palapelin palaset käsissään. Olen oikeasti toisella puolella maailmaa just nyt?! Vau. Mitä ihmettä.

Maanantaina alkoi SBS, eli School of Biblical Studies (Raamattukoulu), joka kestää seuraavat 9 kuukautta. Käymme läpi koko Raamatun tänä aikana, sekä sen lisäksi palvelemme yhdessä paikallisten lähetystyömuotojen parissa (ihmiskaupan vastainen työ, katutyö, slummityö, lapsi- ja nuorisotyö...) ja autamme YWAM tukikohtaa viikottaisissa/päivittäisissä tarpeissa, oli se sitten siivousta, tiskaamista, median pyörittämistä tai jotain muuta.

Ensimmäiset 3 viikkoa ovat Raamatun tutkimusmenetelmään/opiskelutekniikoihin paneutumista, sekä tutustumista toisiimme ja ympäristöön, jossa tulemme vuorovaikuttamaan tänä aikana.
Ensimmäinen raamatunkirja jonka avulla pääsimme vauhtiin ja opettelemaan menetelmää oli Filemonkirje. Muutama juttu tuntui tosi haastavalta hahmoittaa, sillä joskus minulla on oppimisvaikeuksia. Menneitä haavoja siihen liittyen löytyy myös, joten välillä on tuntunut omien epävarmuuksien kanssa erittäin epämukavalta. Tähän mennessä olen kuitenkin suurimmaksi osaksi ymmärtänyt tarvittavan ja aina on tietysti apua saatavilla. On ollut upeaa nähdä kuinka paljon voi saada irti kirjasta, jossa on vain yksi luku?! Mitä ihmettä! Osaan siitä paremmin jakaa, ehkä seuraavassa uutiskirjeessä/postauksessa, kun kyseinen opiskelumenetelmä on sulavammin hallussa ja osaan sitä avata teille enemmän! Haluan että pysytte mahdollisimman hyvin mukana kaikessa mitä täällä opin, teen, näen ja koen.
En malta myöskään odottaa, että päästään auttamaan ihan konkreettisestikin täällä! Varmasti tuutte näkemään paljon kuvia,- toivottavasti myös videoita siitäkin!

Mutta nyt ollaan sitten aloitettu! Tässä vielä muutama rukous- ja kiitospyyntö, mun tilitiedot, sekä PayPal.

  • Kiitos kun oot halunnut olla mukana mun matkassa!
  • Kiitos kaikille, jotka ootte tukenu mua rukouksin ja rohkaisuin. Ne on mulle erittäin arvokkaita.
  • Kiitos kaikille, jotka ootte mua tukenu erilaisin lahjoituksin, sillä jokainen lahjoitus muistuttaa mua aina vaan uudestaan siitä, miten Jumala todella pitää huolen ja Hänelle meidänkin välinen vuorovaikutus ja toistemme siunaaminen taloudellisestikin on tärkeää.
(Minulla on muutamia luokkatovereita, joilla oli vain rahat lentolippuihin ja uskossa hekin tänne asti päätyivät. Jos Jumala puhuu sinulle vaikka heistäkin, niin mulle voi laittaa siitä viestiä ja voin kertoa vähän enemmän heidän tilanteestaan)

Voi kuinka hienoa olisikaan, että useampi ja useampi paikallinenkin täältä pääsisi kertomaan Jeesuksesta muuallekin maailmaan. Jo se olisi itsessään ihmeellinen todistus, eikö vain! Siitä YWAMkin unelmoi.

  • Kiitos Jumalalle siitä, että matkustamiset on kaikki sujuneet mutkitta
  • Kiitollinen siitä, että ripulitauti on lähes voitettu!
  • Patjan kirpputilanne ei ole enää niin kriittinen
  • Etelä- Afrikka on upea. (vaikkakin kovin rikkinäinen)
  • Tarvitsen sitoutuneita kuukausitukijoita, mutta aina kaikenlaiset, vaikka 5€:n lahjoitukset ovat merkittäviä.
  • Luokkatovereiden puolesta voi aina rukoilla. Kaikilla ei ole ollut helppoa.
  • Minun täytyy viisumin takia poistua maasta joulukuussa, mutta minulla ei ole vielä paluulentoa takaisin tänne Tammikuulle
  • Kyky löytää tasapainoinen tapa pitää yhteyttä läheisiin kaiken kiireen keskellä.


Katarina Lahtela
FI29 5290 0220 4222 63


Katarina Lahtela:

Jos mielummin tekisit anonyymin lahjoituksen niin se onnistuu myös YWAMin tilin kautta (muista vaan mainita minun nimeni + SBS viestikentässä):

Tilin nimi: Youth With A Mission
Pankin nimi: Standard Bank of South Africa
Branch: Blue Route
Branch Code: 025 609
Tilinumero: 072 032 901

Pankin osoite:
Standard Bank of South Africa
Cnr Vans & Tokai Roads
Tokai, Cape Town
Western Cape, ZA

keskiviikko 20. helmikuuta 2019


So, its been a while.

Last time I updated you all I had just arrived in Muizenberg and was settling in to life back here. A lot of you have been asking me for an update and it was about time that I did that for you. I hope all is well and that this post would raise praise in your hearts for our amazing God. He has been so faithful in this season and has showed me how well He truly does know me.

As you know from my previous post, I'm here serving the YWAM base via their Media Department/Communications Department. I love photography and before coming here I felt God was constantly sharing with me a different perspective of viewing the world around me, worth capturing and sharing for others to see as well.

My first two weeks were pretty relaxing when it comes to the media side of things. I was volunteering in the kitchen three days a week and building connections with the students and staff on base. I had time to spend quality time with friends I adore and hadn't seen since my DTS. Super thankful for that.

As I was getting to know the students on base I realized again how much I enjoy spending time with people; as in playing a part in their journeys with God and sharing with them what He has done in my life as well. It challenges me to be accountable and to keep seeking God more and more when it comes to my desire to influince others around me in a way that glorifies God. I kind of whispered a prayer to God about playing some sort of role with the schools going on.

Pretty soon after that I was asked to be a one on one (a weekly "mentor" moment for students) for two beautiful women doing their DTS. I was all for it of course and have now been meeting up with both of them on a weekly basis. Its been so good, so interesting and so nice. These women are wise, vulnerable and honest with what's going on inside of them, in their relationship with Jesus and their DTS experience in general. Its been really encouraging seeing God use me, but also Him use them in my life and during our conversations. (they might feel like they're doing most of the talking, but they have no idea how much God is talking to me at the same time.)
This special addition to my season here has been such a reminder of God knowing me more than I know myself. (Or, maybe it would've been better to say, that sometimes we tend to forget who we are and what God has already said to us and thought about us you knowww)

Another reason to just keep trusting in His faithfulness and the heart of a Father that He has for me. And for you.

So yes, doing one on one's has been such a great opportunity!
Working with the Media department though has been such an interesting experience so far as well!

Here's a list of some of the things I've been up to so far:

- Student testimonies (recording and writing down + photoshoot) for our social media platforms

- HOSA- ministry's Dare Day event for guys in a nearby township (photography "gig", but really so much more)

- Community Night photos every Thursday (photos for stock, for the different worship teams coming through and for the social media platforms)

- Blessing students and staff with creative photoshoots (has been so much fun! There are so many beautiful and unique people here)

- YES- girl event for young entrepreneurs in a school in Simon's Town (photos, but still so much more. Got to hang out one on one with two of the girls there as I was taking portraits of them wearing bracelets they had made during the event)

- Working on a collaboration with a local ministry working against Human Trafficking (creative photoshoot + awareness photos to share what's going on in this area of crime in South Africa and what their ministry is doing to achieve an end to it.)

So, you could say I keep myself busy, especially with the amount of photos taken and edited. I love it though. I've been receiving so many encouraging compliments on my work and it feels like waves of love coming in one after the other. God you are so good! Thankyou for sharing this with me. Don't mind if this is taken out of context, but all good and perfect gifts come from above. (James 1:17)
He is good and perfect and I don't ever want to take it for granted that I have a camera and God has shared something special with me to spread around. So thankful.

Can't believe it's already the 20th of February. So much has happened that I'll leave some for later sharing hehe.

There are many amazing people around me; tons of reasons to smile and laugh even more.
Lots of hugs coming and going and you know just those glimpses of the Kingdom culture that we all desire to see and experience.

I'm excited to see what God has in store for me for the next month and a "half". But to close off, this isn't my last time in Muizenberg this year. I'm 90% sure I'm coming back to do a second- level school here in September.
Will keep you updated and would love it if you would join me in prayer about that. My desire to dive even deeper into the Bible keeps growing and to commit 9 months for a season focused on that. Yes and amen.

I'm so thankful for everyone supporting me in prayer, finances and encouragements. You've all played such a big role here. Such acts of love and a wonder(full) opportunity of, in a way walking together in this season. So please know my gratitude and my joy. Means a lot.

Have a wonderful week! Be happy, be thankful and know you can trust in Him who is greater than any of our circumstances, feelings, thoughts, processes... (you know the list).
I wish you ALL the best and feel free to message me anytime. God is always at work. His Word is alive and active.


keskiviikko 9. tammikuuta 2019


Hey friends and family!

I arrived safely in South Africa last Saturday and oh you should've felt what I felt in my heart when seeing the country from above. So beautiful!
A thousand beats of joy in my heart for sure.

Walking through the airport got me all excited about what's ahead. I felt kind of nervous too. Its a strange feeling going to a place that has played a significant and intimate role in your walk with Jesus, knowing that you're not there for the same reason you were last time. Knowing that most of the people will not be the same. Knowing that the ministry you're serving in is not one with the greatest amount of people. For me thats fine because it challenges me even more to connect with people outside of that. My goal is to find a church to commit to while I'm here. During DTS I was pretty sure of the place I was going to on Sundays, but now I feel like God might have something different in mind. We'll see, but you're welcome to pray with me on that.

Its been great seeing the new DTS students adapting to this new environment and experience and I truly pray that these schools would impact their relationships with Jesus in amazing ways, leaving them and everyone here in awe haha! Now that's a good prayer to pray I think.
There are also a few other schools going on while I'm here and I know those will be wonderful as well. Obviously I'm getting to know some of these people as well haha, so there's no worry about being lonely for sure. I'm curious about the stories I'll hear. And the ones I'll capture too.

I went to the Media Department quarters on Monday and talked to one of the volunteers there (the head of the department is still in The Netherlands with his family until later this month). She told me what they've been doing and what they want to keep doing and we talked a bit about what I would be doing (photography for sure).
We also talked about the possibility of me doing some writing assignments, but we'll see what happens with that. I start off with taking photos though.

I'll be taking pictures during different events and sessions going on at base. So that anyone going through our social media channels could have a glimpse into what life and the different schools look like in case they themselves decide to take part in one of them. We definitely want to see more people coming in "to know God and make Him known". I'm being introduced to some new programmes that the department is using to create content with good quality and srategy, so that's going to be interesting and maybe even give me some ideas as to what to do back at home at my home church with the Creative- team there. I absolutely love a quote I just read from an orientation pack sent to me:

"The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship." - Martin Luther

So good right?!

I've only been here for 3 full days, but I already have been reminded of some things God placed on my heart during DTS and its exciting to see them pop up again!
I most definitely have a special place in my heart for this country and especially the Muizenberg area. I would love to lead an outreach from Finland and work together with this base. I would really love to staff a school here too. That desire has most definitely become stronger. Descipleshiping in itself is just really sticking to me. Don't know when this might happen or if it even will happen, since I am still planning to start studying next fall. But all the studies I'm interested in doing would all kind of lead towards this direction anyway. I also have a special place in my heart for The Netherlands, so we'll really have to see what God has planned for me. People ask me what I want to do in the future and I usually answer with this:

"I want to work in an international environment with youth, equipping them with the tools they need. Discipling is important, sharing what God has done in your life is important. (I love love looooove testimonies!!) I want to encourage them to use their gifts, to have fun, to live out of grace pursuing to live a life that glorifies God instead of asking themselves constantly "how far can I go until I've gone too far?" I want to dance with them, to capture beautiful moments and stories with my camera and to bless people with this gift too." (So usually my answer is something like that.)

I would love it if you joined me in prayer about my next step. I listened to a podcast from Rick Warren today and he said some really good stuff about trusting God. I'll gather some of the things he said into one quote here for you:

"If you didn't have needs, you wouldn't learn how to trust God. He allows needs in your life so you can learn to trust him. He knows your needs.
You need to give God 1st place in every area of your life. Any area of your life where God isn't number 1, you'll have worry there." - Rick Warren

But now that I shared that, lets get back to this current season.
Its so so good to be back. I can't wait to dive in even deeper at the Media Department. I can't wait to see what I get to do with my camera as God leads the way. I want to grow, to be challenged, to learn new things and to give what I can to serve. I can't wait to see friends as they come and go. I spent a special 4-ish days with my beautiful friend Iris whom I was on outreach with during my DTS and it was so refreshing and encouraging! What a woman! She carries beautiful stories, wise words and so much more. She's currently living in Uganda. Maybe even for the rest of her life. God knows.

I love getting excited with people about what God is doing in their lives and where He's leading them! What an adventure hey.

Safety is always something good to pray for. I need to walk alone for different reasons on the streets here to get from my apartment to base and to "the Rock" where the Media Department is located. Can't do it in evenings, because its way too dangerous then. There are always risks during the day too, even though I do aim to use the main roads. Just gotta be careful with my valuables. And be smart. Another area to trust God in. For a local this might seem like an obvious thing or something I shouldn't worry about too much, but coming from one of the safest if not safest countries in the world to here...its quite a leap really.

I want to thank everyone for the beautiful and encouraging birthday messages I received on Sunday.
Also to everyone supporting me in prayer; I am SO thankful! I definitely couldn't have come here if I didn't have the support I have from all of you. I have most definitely been showered with people that know the power in prayer. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

Also, if you'd like to support what the YWAM base is doing here, feel free to donate:

All donations are celebrated!

More updates coming, hopefully at least once or twice each month!


sunnuntai 30. joulukuuta 2018

bye 2018 (loved you), nice to meet you 2019 (you seem exciting)

 Hey friends! Its been a while!

Here's a bit of an update of what I've been up to since my June- update haha. And also a little glimpse into what's to come.

So, I got a job the first week of June and have been working since then until today. My life has consisted of work, serving at church, teaching dance and spending time with family and friends. Can't believe how fast time flies. However cheesy that may sound.

Life has been really amazing at times, yet some days have been really big lows. You might think that my life is all dancing on roses from my social media updates and mystories, or my smiles and laughter; but that's just me being optimistic and placing my hope and joy in Christ even in the midst of circumstances that seem really tough for me. Its genuine hope and genuine joy though. He really is Greater than my circumstances. No burden is too heavy to carry- with Him carrying what I can not.

My heart has gone through moments of disappointment after my DTS. The strong sense of community I learned to live and love and serve in during that season of my life is something I never want to let go of. I believe that is definitely what God intended fellowship to look like. We see a lot of examples of it in the Bible, but also the good fruit in general when relationships grow deeper, more vulnerable, more transparent; welcoming things into the light, getting out of our comfort zone, learning sacrificial love and just being moulded in truth and grace. And love. There is so much more I could say about this, but coming back to the moments of disappointment; I've been troubled by the excuses our culture and society give to distort this idea of fellowship, relationship and community. (or whatever you want to call it). There's always a reason to be too busy or to just get your social satisfaction out of instagram or whatsapp or snapchat or another such as. (I admit I have my moments of that too.) Then it gets easier to make more compromises in life, to get to a point where you don't get into conversations or friendships where you are challenged to grow and to be transparent. These same excuses come along when it comes to spending time personally with God. I don't know if its a discernment of some kind on my end, but I definitely get spiritually frustrated when a fellow christian starts telling me that I'm over spiritualising something or talking "too much" about God or what He's done in my life. These are things that have disappointed me, yet opened my eyes to see even more of this broken world and the enemy's schemes within the body of Christ. (=the church, for someone not understanding the terminology). There's a lot of good that God is working in me through all of this. I definitely know what I desire when it comes to fellowship and I know I desire to share that desire with others and hope they get that same revelation. Its scary to be transparent and vulnerable. But that's us stepping out of our comfort zone, out of shame and more into looking like fools in this world. Because we aren't of this world. I for sure believe I am a new creation in Christ and we most definitely shouldn't be conforming to the patterns of the world. Love should be evident, it should look different, it should be seen more, spoken of more and the definition of it should be unwrapped even more. I am not perfect. Honestly, quite often I suck at it. I get disappointed in myself all the time, but I find peace, forgiveness, new opportunities, truth about my identity and my purpose and my future (and so any more things!) in my King. In His Word. In His Presence.
I've beaten myself up so many times overthinking that I'm doing things the wrong way or am indeed overly spiritual or talking about God too much etc. But I've realised that there is nothing wrong about any of that. I recently had a really good heart to heart conversation with a good friend; really a sister, about this subject and my disappointment attached to it and she spoke such good truth over me. I felt like God opened my eyes to see His good work in me even more. He showed me his heart about all the things I've felt and experienced.
Honestly I think a lot of people are struggling with a lot of the things I've mentioned. And I definitely still do. But it needs to be spoken of. Disappointments should be shared, but shared alongside Truth and our hope in Christ.
I enjoy the fact that I can keep growing as a person, I can keep pursuing to know God more and see His love being so evident in my realizations of how small I am and how weak I am being the sinner that I am, yet Him choosing to use me for the glory of His Kingdom! I've seen so many answers to prayer this year, so many great things God has done in me and through me, in others around me and through them as well. Seeing bits and pieces of His Kingdom here on earth. It ain't no cheesy quote or ideology when I say that there are things in all of our cultures that are not of the Kingdom Culture, yet a lot of things that are and do most definitely glorify God. My prayer is to be able to discern the good and the bad and pursue to live according to the example of Kingdom Culture that Christ showed us.

I kind of feel like I'm jumping from this topic to another in this post, but that's okay. This is just an outpour of whats going on in my head right right now.

But as I said earlier, "Life has been really amazing at times, yet SOME days have been really big lows" So its not like its all been downhill haha even though it may have sounded like that for most of this. I have a lot of reasons to be thankful. A lot of good conversations with amazing people I cherish. A lot of reasons to celebrate and praise God for. A lot of great things happening in my friends' lives that make me feel so so happy and excited!
A lot of new great people stepped into my life this past year too and its been so nice! So refreshing and interesting. So many new personalities and perspectives on life that I haven't seen or interacted with before. My prayer is for my eyes to be opened to see people the way God sees them, to hear them how He hears them. To feel for them like He feels for them. Its quite a scary prayer to pray really. But I most definitely want to grow and to grow from a place of intimacy with God. For my thoughts and actions and the words I speak to come from a genuine place. Just to glorify Him instead of myself.

I could say a lot more about all of this haha, but lets move on to what's next for me. (I think you kind of see what I've been thinking about these past months and what are some of the prayers and desires of my heart.) Thought this was a good share.

So to speed things up here, I'm leaving for South Africa in exactly 4 days. I leave on the 3rd of January and arrive on the 5th. Today was my last day at work, tomorrow we celebrate the New Year and then I have a few get- togethers, photoshoots and other fun stuff planned for my next days at home and then boom, I'm on a plane on my way back to this beautiful country and its' rich culture.
I'll be serving with YWAM Muizenberg. Mainly with the base Media Department, doing a lot of photography for sure, but a lot of other stuff too I think. The head of the department wants to talk with me about it all more specifically once I get there and that just adds to my excitement really; not knowing exaaactly what it will look like for me and what God has planned for my time serving there. Steps of faith and steps out of my comfort zone for sure, once again. I'm so thankful for everyone walking this journey of life with me. For everyone that has supported me in prayer and financially as well. I feel so blessed. I especially have my heart jumping for joy whenever I speak to someone who gets all excited about the steps I'm taking with God along with me. Its always fun to get excited and celebrate together! I would love to hear more of your stories and dreams and prayer requests, yet answers to prayer as well. We need more of these to be seen and heard and shared. No prayer is empty, no dream to big or small for Him who makes ALL things possible. He knows best and there's peace in trusting Someone greater than myself. He is good and His perfect plan and His goodness might sometimes be misunderstood by us when we fix our eyes on our bellybutton (tried translating a Finnish saying there haha) or our circumstanses. I say this a lot, but I'll say it again; I want to learn how to be content in whatever circumstance I'm in, taking Paul as an example as he worships God while in prison. That always inspires me.

I'm excited for this next step. Excited to use my passion for photgraphy to glorify Him. Excited to meet new people, face new challenges and to learn a lot from amazing personalities and gifted people. I'd love it if you would support me in prayer about all of this. I have a lot of things that make me feel a bit nervous, but mostly I'm excited and ready. (haha at least I think I am.)

2018 has been quite the year. 2019 I wonder, what you have to give?

With a lot of thank you's, smiles and curiosity- thanks for reading!

Until next time!

- Katarina

(p.s. Kaikille suomikavereille, jos oli vaikee ymmärtää jotain, niin pistä toki viestiä!)

sunnuntai 24. kesäkuuta 2018

JUNE THOUGHTS Attention Caught

Haha always the tricky "How to start?"

Okay, so good news!

I have a job now (thankyou God!) at a local burger place in my city. Its a job with a lot of pressure, so that's quite new to me since the jobs before this have been mainly cleaning and two weeks of different summer jobs here and there. Its interesting to have so many different people working with me and I'm surprised with how many small details there are to learn as well. Getting more used to it as more and more shifts come and go though, so I'm praying it will flow out of my system in no time. Honestly there have been days when I doubt myself and feel like I'm such a pain in the butt to my co- workers, but haha they've all been there so its actually okay to feel like a pain in the butt as long as everyone sticks to mutual respect and understanding right?! I have so much more respect for people working in these kinds of jobs, especially during shifts when there seems no end to the line of customers.

Another place and opportunity for me to put into practise everything I've learned before, during and after DTS. (The financial part is really great too though haha after being unemployed for over 3 months.)

Another thing;

 there are a lot of great things happening in my city when it comes to churches working together, but also in each church individually as things are changing and new seeds are being planted. There have been a lot of good conversations about different spiritual matters and especially with people from the church I serve in as we truly are going deeper into quite basic subjects like; how does the Holy Spirit move in our church? What does worship mean for us? How can we take care of each other? Accountability? Critisism? Lifting each other up? And so much more! Its been so encouraging and SO exciting! I can't wait to see what kind of fruit is being planted in this season. Let revival come! 

My next step?

So a lot of people have been asking me about my next step. I've been trying my best to be careful as to what I say and with what confidence, because to be honest I'm still praying about it a lot.

I'm hoping to be back in South Africa by the end of this year. Sometimes I get insecure about it when I realize I haven't thought much about it at times and that makes me start questioning my love and heart for this wonderful country and that escalates to me asking God if it really is the place He is sending me to for this next season?
In those moments I am constantly reminded with everything I love about this place. The people, the culture, the joy, glimpses of the Kingdom that I've only had the honor to see and experience there specifically and of course YWAM in itself. I really feel like there is a place being prepared for me to serve in an international environment that not only works with discipleship, but also has so many other branches into the local communities and their needs. Its a place where one grows and has to step into a lot of challenges as well. And for me, it feels like the next place to be.
I have two options on my mind as to what I would be doing in SA and I feel like God is really just sitting back and waiting to see which one I'll pick, which on the otherhand is quite uncomfortable for me since I'd love for Him to just confirm one or the other for me and then that would be it haha.

  • So I've thought about staffing a DTS starting in January (staff training befor that) and I feel like it would be a really good thing for me to do and a super good experience to learn more about leadership and discipleship in this specific international environment when different cultures and stories from around the world come together. (so interesting and wonderful really, not to mention challenging haha!) So this would be another 6 months in SA for me. Pray with me!
  • The other option is that I would go to SA to volunteer with the YWAM Muizenberg Media Team for three months, which would also fit me perfectly because as most of you know photography has been a thing of mine for quite a few years already and I have a heart to serve with this gift as well. Internationally as well as in Finland too. Also I'm quite eager to go deeper into capturing moments of Heaven meeting earth in this place. Pray with me!
  • There's actually a third option as well, but if that would be the case then I would be combining the two of these and start off by staffing the DTS and then continuing on to volunteer with Base Media. Gotta trust God with finances and boy oh boy that's a tough lesson to be in at times! Pray with me haha!
So, you can all imagine the amount of thoughts, questions and prayers on my mind right now, but please know that I really am enjoying life now in Finland. My family, friends and the different events going on are amazing and God is doing wonderful things in this country! I kind of feel like God is refilling some areas in my heart for a new found love for this place although I've always seen this place as home of course. I feel like a year from now I will be back here, hopefully starting to study either to become a professional photographer/graphic designer/visualist (some options there) or Youth Ministry (maybe even pastoral…)
I do feel like I will keep serving with YWAM in different ways and probably might do some specific courses within my field(s) at different bases around the world (perhaps SA all the time haha hey sistahs and brothas!)
But, I am one to not plan too far ahead, because its easy for me to get carried away. I would really appreciate all prayers when it comes to my next steps and this new season. Prayers for Finland and prayers for South Africa, prayers for my church in Jyväskylä and prayers for YWAM Muizenberg. A lot of places and people on my heart and a lot of dreams too.

I want to thank everyone who has been and currently is walking this journey with me whether through prayer, financial support, face to face (FaceTime counts too haha) conversations and fellowship. Even through texting on Whatsapp. Its all such a great big blessing and you all deserve a great big hug for that!! I miss many of you a lot though.

So many people out there that have my heart and have a special fingerprint on my life. Hopefully you know who you are. 

Oh I almost forgot!
I've been asked a few times now since I got home, if I could in any way be able to come and volunteer as a Coach at Teenstreet (Germany) at the end of the summer. I did tell these people that I haven't planned this into my financial situation and so I say each time that I would come in an instant if only I had the finances for it! Now there is an opportunity for me to be sponsored to go and serve, so please join in prayer and if you're interested in sponsoring me as well, please message me or the TeenStreet OM Office (Finland). I really have a heart for this week- long- camp and its been a life- changer in my journey with God as well, so I hope this will happen! I also feel like I have a lot to give and having the opportunity to journey with a smallgroup of younger girls would be a DREAM. 

Also, I have a wedding in Switzerland (if finances turn up) where I would be the photographer on the 4th of August, which would be perfect, since Teenstreet ends on the 4th but I could already leave for Switzerland on the 3rd! Seems too fitting to be possible but all glory to God! I already sent a wish to my boss for a week off from work for this time, so I really hope this happens.

I feel so honored and thankful to have people in my life that see potential in me to do so many different kinds of things!! Kind of gives me a glimpse into my Heavenly Father's perspective of me and what He knows I'm capable of doing. We are so loved and understood by our Father my friends, sisters and brothers!! Lets keep pursuing Him and His plan for our lives, realizing that it really does matter what He thinks and its always for our best interest. (Even when we don't see that aspect of it ourselves, which is quite often isn't it?)

I wonder what else I should say..

I'm happy. And I hope you are too. Life isn't easy, but it's so good with God.
Papa God is good and all the time. Ewe!

Have an amazing summer! Until we meet again…

(photo cred to Mitch)


"The stem was bending to the left

the wind was strong

a petal slowly fell to the ground

and that ground turned

into a river.

The petal was carried along by the stream

a drop of water fell on top of it

and the sun kissed it, making it sparkle.

The petal drifted along

dancing with the flow of the water

until a sudden touch came along and

it found itself in an ocean of petals

each one embracing the other

and as a whole,

making it perfectly beautiful to gaze upon

by every person passing by

making them stop and stare

at the wonder of beauty."

Bye loves!
